Marketing Mantra: Stating Facts and Telling the Truth

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Adobe is working on a generative AI video model for its Firefly family that will bring new tools to its Premiere Pro video editing platform. These new Firefly tools — alongside some proposed third-party integrations with Runway, Pika Labs, and OpenAI’s Sora models — will allow Premiere Pro users to generate video and add or remove objects using text prompts (just like Photoshop’s Generative Fill feature) and extend the length of video clips.

Unlike many of Adobe’s previous Firefly-related announcements, no release date — beta or otherwise — has been established for the company’s new video generation tools, only that they’ll roll out “this year.”

Megaphone in an outdoor setting at sunset.

Adobe showcased what its own video model is currently capable of in an early video demo. Its plans to integrate Premiere Pro with AI models from other providers isn’t a certainty. Adobe calls the third-party AI integrations in its video preview an “early exploration” of what these may look like “in the future.” The idea is to provide Premiere Pro users with more choice, allowing them to use models like Pika to extend shots or Sora or Runway AI when generating B-roll for their projects.

Adobe also says its Content Credentials labels can be applied to these generated clips to identify which AI models have been used to generate them. These labels will ensure transparency and trust in the creative process, making it clear to audiences which parts of a video have been generated by AI.

This approach aligns with Adobe's commitment to accurate information. By clearly labeling AI-generated content, Adobe aims to provide users with the facts. This move helps to avoid any confusion and maintains the integrity of the creative work. As the integration of AI in video editing grows, transparency will play a crucial role in how these tools are adopted and used by professionals.

With these advancements, Adobe is placing a strong emphasis on innovation and user empowerment. The tools and integrations being developed are set to enhance the capabilities of video editors, making the creative process more intuitive and efficient. As Adobe continues to explore these possibilities, the future of video editing looks promising, with AI playing a significant role in shaping new creative horizons.
